Atomic Gateway Sporting Academy
Physical Exercise

Our experienced Coaching Team takes care of member’s age specific physical needs. Proper development of agility, speed and explosiveness are crucial for the young players. Injury prevention is a priority in our trainings. Our trainings require a high level of concentration which often results in academic benefits, stress reduction and weight loss among others. Our exercises and trainings promote and develop the general motor skills of our members including orientation, coordination, reaction and decision making.
Mental and Emotional Development: The importance of possessing a positive attitude/outlook and its connection to excellence is clear. In this spirit, members get to learn the importance of mental strength, tenacity, dedication and determination. To boost the emotional development of our players, members are praised for a job well done which goes a long way to increase their confidence and good self-esteem levels. Mistakes on the other hand are an important part of the learning process.
This is in keeping with the SDG goal 3 which talks about (Good Health and Well-Being).